Tuesday, November 27, 2007

&& the worst feeling ever..
Is wakeing up with your BEST friend leaning on you covered in blood not breathing..

For the many of you that dont know---

Indeed i did get in a car accedent on sunday night.
And no im not alright.
And i wont be.. till i know my bestfriend is okay.

This is by far the worst thing that ever happend to me.
And ill never forget this.

You all are pry going to ask "oh my god what happend"
So im going to tell you

Sunday night around 7.. my best friend bob was taking me to shinglehouse where i was staying the night with my friend..
We took a dirt road in witch was very bumpy and VERY curvie..
So being the crazy motha fucka he is we were going 75 around a corner and what bob did not know was there was another very sharp corner right after that one..
so bob lost controll and we jumped a bank and smashed into a tree..
Then we kinda tiped sideways and then spull around backwords...
Thats all i remember.
I blacked out and woke up with my bestfriend leaning on me covered in blood along with my other friends screeming.
There was 6 of us in this truck.
Bob was driving, i was upfrount in the middle and steffan was on the pasengers side.
In the back, bj tommy and kristina were sitting.
When we stoped everyone got out besides bob.
I started walking for help with bj and kristina.
And then they started running and then i stoped cause i couldnt run i was in so much pain.
So tommy bj and kristina ran like hell to get help and i stayed there with steffan and bob..
I looked around and all i saw was blood and feathers.
((feathers from bobs coat))
All i hurd the whole time was "bob dont leave us.. you can make it.. your a x core x serivor"
Bob was not breathing at first.. but then he started to.
With in five minutes the ambulance and evrything was there.
Tommy and bob got life flighted and steffan went to the hospital.
Tommy is not alright, he just messed up his knee, and steffan just has scratches and shit.
Bj and krit are fine, couple cuts and shit.
I have many cuts and black and blues.
I smashed my head against the rear view mirror and my elbo went threw the windchild.
As for bob, he is in the hospital with many brain injurys, bleeding from the brain, a bubble on his brain and a broke rib.
At first the doctors thought bob needed surgry on his brain so they put him in a coma.
When bob came out of the coma he was being his normal self and he was pulling the cords out of his arms and shit. He did not want to sit there.
So the doctors had to put him back in a coma..
The docters now say he dont need sergury.
They are just going to put tubs in his head and get the blood out. And let the air bubble work its way out.

Thats the last i hurd.
But bob is going to be okay.
Hes a servivor.
He'll make it.

So now i sit and wait.. to find out whats going on.
The doctors say that bob will not remember anything of anyone for quite some time
=(.. thats sad.

This is really hard. You know.
I cant sleep, i can hardly eat.
All i do is think about it.
Everytime i fall asleep. the whole thing plays over and over in my head.
It's horrable.
And i never want this to happen again.
And NO we were not drinking
And NO we were not high.

I love you bob.
More than ever.
Your my bestfriend
And you will pull threw alright.
Just remember your an x core x servivor.
We all will pray for you =]
I love you bobert.

Friday, November 2, 2007

i dont even no.