Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Life's been shit.
I pretty much miss my sister.
Im so fucken, bored now days.
Theres nothing at all to do.
Everyone is always to stuck up there boyfriends ass's or something like that. Its annoying.

My birthday is coming up, its going to be fucken shitty.
I can tell already.

I finally got Adam's address today.
That made my day.
I miss him so fucking much.
Life is gunna be so much better when he gets outta that place.
I miss my best friend. :]

Anyyy wayys.
I'm finally ALL caught up on my school work.
Grades are much better now.

I think i've found a guy, that is actually, decent, a non-jerk, a sweet heart.
He's so fucken funny, we have sheeit in common, and really, hes a huge sweet heart.
He treats me good.

That's about it i guess.


Wednesday, October 1, 2008

busy busy busy

Holy balls!

I've been pretty busssy.

I'm not babysitting for ruthie any more.
My motha made me quit.
Soooo; I've been trying to catch up my school work, like madcrazy.
I've done NOTHING but school work today.
But it feels good to be caught up.
And not so far behind.
Yah know?

But anyways.
My god son was worn.
He is the cutest lil thing ever.
I love him!!

Soo this bitch of a teacher told me today; that if my work isnt caught up by monday; shes gunna kick me out.
HAHAH!: Fuck.
Thats why im getting caught up
I refuse to go back to coudy school
Cause everyone and everything there is a peace of shit!

Imma be going to bed.
In like 30 mins.
I'm tired.
And have live classes tomorrow.

